Point the Finger


Puzzle Location: Guildhall (Emiliana)

Here we have nine people, some 'good guys' and some 'bad guys'.
If the good guys have a bad guy next to them, they will point at them, otherwise they will fold their arms.
Whereas the bad guys always point at someone, whether that person is good or bad.
Touch a person to mark him as a bad guy.
Touch again to remove the mark.
Place markers on the two bad guys hiding in the group.

Hint 1

Use the facts you know to deduce a new fact: if 'bad guys always point at someone, whether that person is good or bad', that means only good guys ever have their arms folded.
In that case, the three people on the bottom row must all be good guys.

Hint 2

If the good guys fold their arms when they are not next to a bad guy, that means that the three people on the middle row must all be good guys.

Hint 3

Continuing on from hint two...
If good guys always point at a bad guy, that means the person in the middle of the top row, who the three good guys on the middle row are pointing at, must be a bad guy.

Super Hint

If good guys always point at bad guys, that means that good guys don't point at good guys.
Which means that the person pointing at the good guy must be a bad guy.


The answer is 'top-center and top-right'.