Likely Lad on Ladders


Puzzle Location: The engine room (The ladder)

Help the robber escape from the cops!
(Don't worry, he's a good guy really.)
He has to reach his gateway chopper on the roof by climbing the ladders.
Each floor of the building contains only one safe ladder.
There are only two safe ladders on the right side of the building, and the ladder on the top floor must be approached from the right.
Using this information, touch one ladder on each floor to plan an escape route.
Remember, the robber can't pass a cop, or he'll be nicked!

Hint 1

You don't need to work this out from the bottom.
You can figure out which ladders are safe by looking at the information from the other floors.

Hint 2

It's safe to approach the ladder on the top floor from the right, so this means that you can't use the ladder on the right on floor 3.

Hint 3

There's a cop in the middle of floor 3 that you can't get past.
If you're going to use the left-hand ladder on floor 3, then you also need to use the left-hand ladder on floor 2.

Super Hint

You have to use the left-hand ladders on floors 2 and 3.
According to the information given, there are two safe ladders on the right-hand side of the building, so this means that the remaining two ladders on your route must be on the right.


The answer is as follows.
