Rock Paper Scissors Tower 2


Puzzle Location: De luxe standard-class cabin (Bo Bells)

Insert an icon in place of every '?' so that all of the games are a tie.
To do this, you eigher need all three icons in each game to be different, or all three icons to be the same.
The number of times you can use each icon is limited: 4 x rock, 3x scissors, and 3 x paper.
Touch a '?' to cycle through the different icons and turn each game into a draw.

Hint 1

You can use rock more times than the others, so how you use it is key here.
Why don't you try making the central icon rock to start with?

Hint 2

There are a couple of ways to do this, but let's go over one of them.
Turn all of the icons in the bottom central triangle into rock.

Hint 3

Continuing on from hint two...
Make the uppermost icon rock.

Super Hint

Continuing on from hint three...
In all of the remaining spaces, make it so that the three icons within each game are all different.


The answer is as follows.
Answer PUZZLE 107