A Knight's Quest 2


Puzzle Location: Meal Idealists' Lounge

The princess has been snatched by the evil king again.
The knight and his beloved horse are on their way to the castle to rescue her, but the horse is getting low on energy.
The horse moves like a knight in chess (in the snape of an L).
You can jump over anything that is in the way, but you cannot land in squares with trees or poisonous lakes.
Use this information to find a way for the horse to eat two carrots (no more, no less) before arriving at the evil king's castle.

Hint 1

If you get stuck, you might be able to figure out a route by starting at the castle and working backwards.

Hint 2

There is only one possible space that you can land on in the final step before reaching the castle.
That space contains a carrot.
Keep an eye on the number of carrot.
Keep an eye on the number of carrots you will land on as you plan your route.

Hint 3

You mustn't let the horse eat a carrot on its first move.
If it eats too much, it won't be able to move.

Super Hint

Go to the left on your first move and eat the first carrot afterwards.
Then aim for the castle, taking the shortest route you can.


The answer is as follows.
Answer PUZZLE 172