Turtle Race


Puzzle Location: Conundrum Kings' Cloakroom

The turtle race is about to begin!
But the turtles and gates are in the wrong order.
They should be lined up in numerical order from 1 on the left, with turtles at the top and gates at the bottom.
If you touch the red arrows between adjacent panels, it will swap the panels over.
Each arrow can only be used once, so you need to think carefully about how to tackle this in the correct order.

Hint 1

There are ten steps to solving this puzzle.
Turtle 1 and gate 1 are already in the correct positions, so you don't need to use the arrow on the far left at all.

Hint 2

Let's look at the first two steps.First swap over turtle 5 and turtle 4.
Then switch turtle 4 at the top with gate 2 at the bottom.

Hint 3

Continuing on from hint two...
Step 3: swap turtle 2 with gate 4.
Step 4: swap turtle 5 with gate 4.
Then move turtle 2 along next to gate 1.

Super Hint

Continuing on from hint three...
Swap over turtle 3 and gate 2.
Now everything should be in the right order, and all that is left to do is switch over the remaining incorrect panels between the top and the bottom.


The answer is as follows.

1. swap turtle 4 with turtle 5.
2. swap turtle 4 with gate 2.
3. swap turtle 2 with gate 4.
4. swap turtle 5 with gate 4.
5. swap turtle 3 with gate 2.
6. swap turtle 2 with gate 5.
7. swap turtle 2 with turtle 4.
8. swap turtle 4 with gate 4.
9. swap turtle 2 with gate 3.
10. swap turtle 2 with gate 2.