The London Times is a serious paper, but publishes a variety of more unusual stories as well.
I've been reading it for years.
I wonder what the editor wants us to investigate.
It seems London Times chief editor Tobooras Lloyd wants us to investigate the reason behind the disappearance of the mysterious superhero, Ratman, who hasn't been seen for three months now.
Who could be behind the mask?
Who could this powermouse of justice be?
The London Times is owned by a Mr Cesar Chance, one of the seven Dragons, and a childhood friend of Lloyd, the editor.
Despite being friends, Chance seems to think this investigation is pointless.
He thinks we should be chasing new news, not old heroes.
We began our investigations in front of the London Times offices, where we ran into a journalist who follows Ratman closely and seems to appear as unexpectedly as a superhero himself.
It seems many London Times readers enjoy Ratman articles.
We managed to find somebody who'd actually met Ratman.
Three months ago, some muggers tried to take his money when the superhero appeared and saved the day.
It seems Bowlyn Hill is where Ratman is seen most frequently.
We're on our way there.
Upon arrival in Bowlyn Hill, a young boy passed us a letter that threatened to make us disappear like Ratman has if we pursue this case any further.
Who could be behind this?
And is Ratman really gone for good?
In the backstreets of Bowlyn Hill, we found another person who had been helped by Ratman.
But again, that was three months ago, with no sightings since.
We also learnt that apparently Mr Chance is often seen in Boylyn Hill.
The man we thought might attack us was actually a reformed crook, set straight by Ratman.
The last time he sawa the superhero, Ratman announced he was facing a life-changing event before disappearing into the shadows.
What could it have been?
While searching for clues about Ratman's whereabouts down a dark, dead-end backstreet of Bowlyn Hill.
We found our next lead - a mouse.
That led us swiftly to an old tailor's shop.
Unbelievably, we discovered a Ratman suit in the tailor's.
Irritatingly, though, she won't disclose who asked her to look after it.
She's also roped us into delivering a package to Mr Chance.
So it's back to the London Times offices for now.
It turns out Ratman is really Cesar Chance!
Apparently, he decided to assume the superhero role to increase sales of his paper and magazines.
But three months ago, he had a baby and had to hang up his costume.
I've suggested franchising the Ratman brand.