Puzzling Paints


Puzzle Location: Outside the Layton Detective Agency (Benny)

The colours of the paints are representing the appearance of something.
Apparently, one of the colours can be seen every day, but which one is it?
A is black, B is blue, and C is white.
Choose one of them.

Hint 1

The 'something' that is being represented is found outside.
Go outside and look up.

Hint 2

The 'something' is the sky.

Hint 3

The colours of the paints are representing the appearance of the sky.
The colour of the sky changes depending on the weather, but there is one colour you can see every day, no matter what the weather is like.

Super Hint

Blask is the night sky, blue is the sky on a clear day, and white is the sky on a cloudy day.
Which of those can you see every day?


The answer is 'A'.