Case 02
Murder on the Thames

Scotland Yard

Touch to The flag of the building in the right in Scotland Yard and answer PUZZLE 013.
Talk to PC Beate.

Hint coins
The sign of the bus stop.
The fire hydrant.
The pillar in the top-rightof the entrance.

Reception area

Talk to Douglas Dert.
Talk to PC Beate and answer PUZZLE 014.

Hint coins
The lighting in the center.
The picture on the wall.
The locker in the left.

Hastings's desk

Touch the box in the bottom-left and get Collection 'Magnificent Moustache'.
Touch to Clock and answer PUZZLE 015.
Talk to Inspector Hastings and move to Guildhall.

Hint coins
The lighting on the ceiling.
The shelf in the top-right.
The cup on the desk.


Talk to Gudrun Weldon and answer PUZZLE 016.
Talk to Ms Tate and move to The mayor's chamber.

Hint coins
The clock on the building.
The window in the top-left of the building.
The window in the right of the building.

The mayor's chamber

Touch the shield obje on the shelf in the center and get Collection 'Mysterious Mask'.
Talk to Mayor Lowonida and answer PUZZLE 017.
Happen event in Guildhall and move to The Thames by bicycle.

Hint coins
The lighting on the ceiling.
The trophy on the shelf in the center.
The picture behind mayor's desk.

By the Thames

Touch the street light to get Collection 'Stage Show Soundtrack'.
Touch Top of the street light behind Seán Butchin and answer PUZZLE 018.
Talk to Benjy and Bess.
Tlak to Seán Butchin and move to Footpath by the river.

Hint coins
The street light in the left
The clock tower looking far.
The chimney of brown ship.

Footpath by the river

Talk to Stripey and answer PUZZLE 019.
Mr Fisherと会話し、ひらめきピース「Deaths mimicking legend」を入手。
Move to Chancer Lane by bisycle.

Hint coins
The street light.
Top of the building in the center (10 pieces)
The can under the bench.

Chancer Lane Corner

Talk to Felicity and answer PUZZLE 020 than 、ひらめきピース「Theatre performers」を入手する。
Touch to The chimney of the building in the center and answer PUZZLE 021.
Move to other area when speaking with Waiter and added 'The Ideal Meal'.

Hint coins
The right window of the building.
The plant on the roof of the building in the left.
The street light in the back.

Lipski's pâtisserie

Touch to The display case in the left and answer PUZZLE 022.
Talk to Hans Lipski and Aleks Lipski.

Hint coins
The clock on the wall.
The ceiling lighting.

Outside the Layton Detective Agency

Talk to Benny and answerPUZZLE 023.

Hint coins
The right garbage can.
The center streetlight.
The hand of the clock tower.

The Lucky Clover

Touch to The right mirror and answer PUZZLE 024.
Talk to Granny Riddleton and get the clue 'Mayor's childhood memories'.
Move to Business district by bicycle.

Hint coins
The white hat.
The ceiling lighting.
The drawer of the left shelf.


Get the clue 'Mayor's link to victims'.
Talk to Emiliana and answer PUZZLE 025.
Get the clue 'Indistinct killer profile'.

The mayor's chamber

Touch to Teddy bear and answer PUZZLE 026.
Move to Balcony.


Get the clue 'Special festival'.
Touch to The house in the front and answer PUZZLE 027.

Hint coins
The chimney of the house in the right-front.
The chimney of the house in the left-front.
The clock tower.

After the episode

Talk to Stachenscarfen in Scotland Yard and answer PUZZLE 028.
Talk to Bob Bracket in Outside the Layton Detective Agency and answer PUZZLE 029.